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Epimune GmbH

Rudower Chaussee 29
12489 Berlin

Epimune GmbH is a diagnostic company pioneering molecular immune cell quantification from a drop of blood.

Immune cell enumeration is crucial for early detection and monitoring of patients with immune cell disorders, including primary immunodeficiencies, HIV infection, cancer, autoimmunity, autoinflammation and immunosuppression due to transplantation. Standard clinical practice calls for laboratory analysis of fresh blood samples by flow cytometry within 24 h after a venous blood draw.

Using dried blood spots and proprietary real-time PCR-based test kits, Epimune enables clinical applications where fresh blood samples of sufficient quality and quantity for flow cytometric analysis are difficult or impossible to obtain – e.g. patient management in regions of limited laboratory and fresh blood transport infrastructure, at-home blood sampling, near-patient testing and newborn screening.

Epimune will launch its first CE-IVD products for the quantification of  T-/B-/NK- and regulatory T cells  from dried blood spots in 2020.  The assays are intended to be used for the detection of immune cell disorders in newborns, children and adults, and monitoring of patients under treatment.

Exhibited At: 
i.Mune™ PID

i.Mune™ PID

i.Mune™ Treg

i.Mune™ Treg

i.Mune™ TBNK

i.Mune™ TBNK