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SunVit-D3 Oral Drops (100IU/drop) 20ml

SunVit-D3 Oral Drops is a convenient daily oral Vitamin D liquid and a great tasting orange flavour alternative to tablets.

SunVit-D3 Oral Drops comes in an integrated oral dropper bottle suitable for babies, infants, and children.

Adults: Four to ten drops to be taken daily or as directed by a doctor or pharmacist.

Children under 12 years: Two to eight drops to be taken daily or as directed by your doctor or pharmacist.

SunVit-D3 drops can be mixed with food, drinks or taken directly.

The UK Department of Health recommends Vitamin D for essential growth and development of bones in children whilst the National Osteoporosis Society guidance recommends ‘maintenance regimens with doses equivalent to 800IU to 2,000IU given either daily or intermittently at a higher equivalent dose.’

Approved by the Vegetarian Society UK and Halal (Halal Monitoring Committee) certified.