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Profeta Health

MediCity D6 Boots, Thane Road, Beeston
NG90 6BH
United Kingdom
+44 (0)115 698 9888

Profeta Health manufactures innovative Halal products which bring together both medical science and traditional medicines based on a prophetic approach. Profeta is a UK based Company which has an extensive range of 15 products including an innovative range of ZamVits vitamin oral sprays containing ZamZam water, as well as being customer-focused and formulating familiar essential supplements containing premium grade ingredients.

Our pure, naturally sourced ingredients are free from contaminants and bonded to ensure maximum preservation of potency which is harnessed with modern GMP lab quality methods. Our goal is to become the world leader in developing innovative halal healthcare supplements. To achieve this, we continue to provide the finest quality nutritional supplements at exceptional value for money.


To meet please email [email protected] to arrange a meeting during Arab Health 2019, we'd love to talk to you further about our product range and how we could work together!

Exhibited At: 

ProfVits Super Strength Vitamin D3 1,000iu - 50,000iu (15, 30, 60 & 96 Tablets)

ProfVits PregnaHealth – Specialised Nutrition During Pregnancy (30 or 90 Tablets)

Profvits Glucosamine Plus Chondroitin (30 & 60)

Profvits Vitamin B Complex Plus Vitamin C (30 & 60)

Profeta Profvits Osteoultra Vitamin D Plus Calcium (30)

ProfWoman (30)

ProfMan – (30)

Profvits Super Strength Omega 3 (30 & 60)

ZamVits Optimised Multivitamins Plus ZamZam Spray

ZamVits Vitamin D Plus ZamZam Spray