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  • Versa HD
  • Versatile, all-in-one system from classic radiotherapy to advanced stereotactic precision
    Equipped with sophisticated conformal beam-shaping technology and High Dose rate mode delivery, Versa HD is designed to provide the precision and speed necessary to deliver advanced stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), techniques that demand the maximum accuracy in tumor targeting and protection of critical structures.

    At the same time, Versa HD gives cancer management professionals the flexibility to employ conventional therapies to treat the broad spectrum of tumors throughout the body. Proven in its application, Versa HD is the only system to unlock the true potential of high dose rate delivery due to its market-leading leaf speeds and ultra-low leaf transmission.

    Reduce treatment times with rapid leaf speeds and high dose delivery
    Provide the potential to deliver SBRT/SRS in a standard time slot
    Lower non-therapeutic doses to protect organs-at-risk and potentially reduce the risk of secondary cancer
    Exploit the full potential of high doses for advanced therapies by eliminating previous leaf speed limitations
    Provide custom configurations for unique clinical needs
    Utilize the latest imaging technology to allow soft tissue visualization during treatment

  • Download