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BC Group International Inc.

3081 Elm Point Industrial Drive
St. Charles, MO 63301
United States

BC Group International, Inc. was founded in 1988 and is a leading provider of biomedical test equipment. BC Group is a "one-stop-shop", offering test equipment sales and service. BC Group International also has established a full line of biomedical test equipment under our own BC Biomedical brand. These products are manufactured in the USA and currently include Anesthetic Agent Analyzers, Electrical Safety Analyzers, Defibrillator Analyzers, Electrosurgical (ESU) Analyzers, Infusion Pump Analyzers, NIBP Simulators, Patient Simulators, Pulse Oximetry (SpO2) Simulators, Digital Pressure Meters, etc. BC Group International also specializes in medical gas anesthesia service test equipment.

NIBP Simulator

Anesthetic Agent Analyzer

Digital ESU Analyzer

Medical Gas Analyzer - N2O, O2, CO2 - CO Optional

Variable Load Module for BCB Defibrillator Analyzers

Defibrillator Analyzer - with Pacer Analyzer

Ventilator Analyzer - Benchtop

Flow Analyzer - Benchtop

Ventilator Analyzer - Portable