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Recently THYSOL teamed up with veterinary professionals to develop a special tape for animals, giving the same results as CureTape®, but then exclusively for animals. The development of VetkinTape® was possible thanks to our own production possibilities. We have the human as well as the veterinary knowledge and expertise at our own R&D facilities. In most of the cases the results obtained with using CureTape® can also be obtained with animals. The tape needs to be slightly different due to the differences in skin/hair, muscles structure and anatomy. Furthermore, we see differences in diagnosed problems and in the frequency of occurrence. All these factors were taken into consideration when developing this new innovative veterinary kinesiology tape. The result is VetkinTape®; a tape that sticks well and gives the maximum results for animals. In practice we have seen that VetkinTape® can be used to assist in: Injured muscles – the tape lifts the skin from the underlying tissues. This has an effect of reducing pain, promoting circulation, assisting in the reduction of any swelling and enhancing the blood flow to the injured muscle. Biomechanical dysfunction – the tape provides support or stability without restricting the range of motion. Postural dysfunction – the tape improves the proprioceptive feedback to the area thereby assisting in the retraining of muscles that maintain correct posture. It doesn’t necessarily make a horse’s performance better