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Silfradent® Equipment for dental laboratories
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MM330 Thunder Micromotor

MM330 Thunder Micromotor -   A streamlined handpiece, lighter than the market average. The principal characteristics of the handpiece are: ? Motor with brushes for a speed of 27.000 rpm. ? Reliable construction for long usage. ? Built-in cooling system ? Precision chuck, easily adjustable and changeable: supplied in the standard measure diameter 2.35 (3 mm. on request). ? 1/4 turn of the grip safety lock. The different controls offer the following advantages: ? Torque of 80% of the maximum power, for high performance and control at low speed ? Double current limitation, to protect the motor in case of overload or unexpected blockage during use. ? Incorporated circuit breakers stop the micromotor within seconds. Thunder 330 is available with different control versions.