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Medasys: Medical Imaging
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Medasys: Medical Imaging

Intelligent Management of Medical Imaging One of the goals of healthcare institutions investing in picture archiving system is to improve patient care through faster and joint medical decisions, and through the heightened productivity of imaging processes, from the examination request up to its result. Medical imaging is a very important part of a patient's record and the interdependence of radiologist and clinician needs is bidirectional. The specialist needs the radiologist's diagnosis and the radiologist can only interpret a radiography examination if he/she has all the relevant medical data. Tele- imaging is more than sharing digital information, it is the exchange of all information based on the image. In practice, the coexistence of separate information systems to manage the administrative and medical patient record, radiology records (RIS) and images (PACS) involves the time-consuming and costly implementation of computer interfaces, and specific and rigorous work methods (e.g. reassignment of IDs and images). Thus Medasys offers with DxImage: a global and open solution, federative for exchanges between PACS, transfer of images, and search for a patient's radiology documents in a multi-institutions organisation. With its open and interoperable technical architecture, DxImage feeds the institution's medical information circuit in accordance with standardised and secure protocols that meet all exchange requirements with a hospital's medical-administrative system and requests from all clinicians by federating the diffusion of reports and images to all medical departments. DxImage can communicate by sending and receiving messages, in compliance with exchange standards HPRIM2, HL7, Dicom, XDS-I, etc. and IHE international and national recommendations.