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IQ Instruments
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IQ Instruments

Tangible benefits

Intuitive & Quick – under this theme, the new IQ instrument platform for Aesculap knee systems was developed by Aesculap. The IQ platform offers functionality, precision, ergonomy and efficiency in the OR.


Safe and correct assembly.

Routine processes are facilitated by uniform handles, coupling and colour coding.

Femur (red)

Tibia (blue)

General instruments (yellow)

The reduction of the instrument volume leads to a higher work efficiency in the operating room as also in the preparation.

Addressing of different philosophies, e.g Tibia or Femur First, intra- or extramedullary orientation, minimal invasion or standard access.

Reduction of OR-steps via simplified and reduced instrumentation.

Workload reduction for the OR-team and for the employees in the CSSD (Central Sterilisation and Storage Department) via lower modularity and through instruments that are easy to handle.
