Clinical Chemistry / HumaStar 200
Clinical Chemistry Random-Access Benchtop Analyzer for Medium Throughput
HumaStar 200 is the first choice for laboratories processing up to 650 photometric measurements/shift. Its ease of use – awarded with the international iF product design award and German Design Award - exceeds those of most other instruments. Continuous sample loading and STAT processing at any time makes the HumaStar 200 a perfect match for small routine or emergency laboratories or for being used as dedicated test or backup analyzer in bigger ones. The extraordinary low water consumption of less than 2L/h grants autonomy from water supply units.
- Up to 200 tests/hour
- Software optimized for touchscreen monitor
- Reagent cooling independent from main power switch
- Multi-step cuvette wash station (8 steps)
- 30 reagent and 60 sample positions
- Reagent cooling independent from main power switch
- Capacitive liquid level detector
- Needle shock detector
- Internal sample barcode reader
- LIS: Bi-directional, via ethernet, ASTM