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GD/ACLS8000D Comprehensive Emergency Training System
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GD/ACLS8000D Comprehensive Emergency Training System

GD/ACLS8000D is a more complete comprehensive emergency skills training system basing on GD/ACLS8000C. Besides of all the functions of GD/ACLS8000C, the product focuses on the expansion of hospital emergency training. It can act multiple arterial pulse examination, spontaneous respiration, common clinical puncture training and auxiliary examination and vividly simulate all the related pre-hospital and hospital body signs, treatment measures and auxiliary examination of emergency patients. Implement standard: AHA (American Heart Association) 2010 guideline for CPR and ECC Features: ★ This sign indicates that the functions can be run only when the manikin is used with the optional accessories Head and neck: 1. Vital signs simulation: pupil observation, LCD pupil display ; simulate carotid artery, femoral artery and radial artery pulse, vivid reproduction of patient moaning, coughing and vomiting sound 2. Respiration mode: normal breath, sighing breath, Cheyne-stokes breath, Kussmaul-kien respiration and Biot’s respiration; 3. Realistic spontaneous breathing: can observe chest movement while breathing; breath frequency and depth can be adjusted 4. Airway management: open airway by head tilt and jaw thrust; audible warning feedback if there is pressure on the teeth; detect intubation position via auscultation;