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DuoXL Podiatry

Unmatched Workflow Advantages

The DuoXL Digital Imaging System is the smallest CR footprint available in the market. The DuoXL takes into account the limited space available for podiatrists in most office settings. In addition, the DuoXL offers unmatched portability because of its size and light weight at under 20 lbs.

The DuoXL accepts 6″ x 10″, 6″ x 12″ and 6″ x 14″ sized plates, which can capture the necessary images for podiatric workflow at a fraction of the cost when compared to other CRs. The DuoXL will significantly improve your workfow for better patient management and diagnosis. Quickly and easily access all digital image files and share them with colleagues and patients. Window leveling and viewer enhancement tools allow for complete control of image display.

Today’s digital imaging market offers many CR and DR solutions. When cost is the driving factor to purchasing digital equipment, the DuoXL is the most appropriate solution with the smallest financial commitment.