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Curaco - The Automatic Toileting Aid System & Nursing Smart Bidet : bidet, nursing smart bidet, automatic toileting aid system
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Curaco - The Automatic Toileting Aid System & Nursing Smart Bidet

Curaco Carebidet is the nursing care bidet (Automatic Toileting Aid System) for the bedridden. This ergonomically designed bidet is invented for people with limited mobility such as the elderly, patients, and the disabled. When Curaco Carebidet detects urine and/or feces with its advanced built-in sensors, it automatically flushes excrement away, rinses, and air-dries the user’s body, ensuring cleanness and comfort for the user without use of disposable paper diaper. Who Is It For? Bedridden patients: the elderly, ill and disabled Hospitals, Hospices, Welfare facilities, Senior-care facilities, Assisted-living facilities, Nursing homes Why Use It? For care receivers: bedridden patients including the elderly and the disabled To improve personal hygiene To provide physical comport as it detects urine and/or feces, automatically flushes, rinses, and air-dries To uphold human dignity as it helps patients not to be ashamed or embarrassed To help reduce fungal infections on the skin through prompt excrement disposal and air-dry To prevent bladder infection and/or urinary tract infection often caused by use of paper diaper To maintain emotional stability as it makes patients feel clean and fresh To help relieve constipation and fecal incontinence