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Cran-Klear - BOSCOGEN, INC.
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BOSCOGEN® Cran-Klear helps promote a healthy urinary tract. For best results, BOSCOGEN® Cran-Klear is made from Cran-Max®, the only cranberry material that contains the full phytonutrient value of the whole cranberry, not just a portion. It is the only cranberry material which utilizes the patented BIO-SHIELD® system. This allows the active ingredients of the cranberry to be delivered to the gastrointestinal tract for maximum effect, to survive stomach acid and pass into the lower GI tract. Pilot study determines the effectiveness of Cran-Max® for the maintenance of overall Urinary Tract health. Each BOSCOGEN® Cran-Klear capsule contains powerful OPC’s, organic acids and antioxidants. It provides better benefits than drinking cranberry juice cocktail – without the calories.*