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The portable and fully digital X-ray system Amadeo M miniThe Amadeo M mini is one of the most lightweight and mobile wireless X-ray systems available worldwide.
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Amadeo M mini

The portable and fully digital X-ray system Amadeo M mini

We are proud to present our Amadeo M mini. For the first time a fully digital X-ray system has been developed entirely by OR Technology. The advanced design of the new Amadeo M mini series is characterised by a sophisticated reduction to essential components and functional operating elements. The Amadeo M mini is attractive wherever it is not possible to transfer patients to a radiology department. The system is designed for portable use and can easily be transported due to its low weight (only 68 kg) and compact build. Application areas are first aid services, home care, nursing homes, medically oriented aid organisations, military purposes and ships or oil rigs.

The lightweight system can easily be pulled over steps and turned in all directions – a huge advantage in confined spaces and elevators – and does not tip over on uneven terrain. Its large, sturdy wheels permit effortless movement. The Amadeo M mini includes all necessary components such as X-ray detector, X-ray generator and image processing workstation. The latter is delivered with a globally proven software package that includes a convenient X-ray positioning guide for correct settings (except AX version). Please look at our special product launch video for the Amadeo M mini which is available on our YouTube channel. You will surprised by the lightness of movement. The many features of the system are listed in the attached brochure, e.g. the uninterrupted workflow after a brief power outage or relocation, or the advanced industrial design. In the gallery on our web site you can find further images of our Amadeo M mini.