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470 rue Gilles de Gennes
BP8 - ZA Node Park Touraine
37310 Tauxigny
Exhibited At: 
Monobloo hood ref. 1922

Monobloo hood ref. 1922

B'bloo fiberoptic blanket ref. 1980

B'bloo fiberoptic blanket ref. 1980

O'bloo 360° phototherapy cradle

O'bloo 360° phototherapy cradle

Calibed Warming Bed ref. 1090 and 1091

Calibed Warming Bed ref. 1090 and 1091

Calibed Warming Mattress ref. 1085

Calibed Warming Mattress ref. 1085

Ambia with care crib ref.4356

Ambia with care crib ref.4356

Ambia with maternity crib ref.4355

Ambia with maternity crib ref.4355

Ambia on furniture ref.4353 (right) or ref.4354 (left)

Ambia on furniture ref.4353 (right) or ref.4354 (left)

Ambia with mobile stand ref. 4352

Ambia with mobile stand ref. 4352

Ambia wall mounting ref.4351

Ambia wall mounting ref.4351

NITE transport incubator

NITE transport incubator

 Fabie infant warmer

Fabie infant warmer

Satis model 3552

Satis model 3552

Inotherm incubator


Satis model 3555

Satis model 3555