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Hospi Niaga Utama Pt

Hospi Niaga Utama Pt

PT Hospi Niaga Utama was established in 2011. The company is engaged in the medical equipment distributor and consists of four divisions. The first division is to market the product Hospiclean. In this division product marketed products for the cleanliness of the hospital so that it can reduce the occurrence of nosocomial infections. The second division is Hospisurg is marketing the products to the needs of operating theater. The third division Hospicardio is the cardiology product market needs. The fourth division Hospirad is provide general imaging.

Product Manager
Jl. Cihampelas No. 2
Jl. Taman Mekar Agung No. 33
Bandung 40116 Jawa Barat
E-Mail Address: 
[email protected]