Global Medical Directory is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 8860726.


PG-907s syringe pump

PG EYES 300 examination light

PG S50 patient monitor

Reconstruction Plate(S type)(Type I)

Reconstruction Plate(S type)(Type I)

Reconstruction Plate(Rib)

Reconstruction Plate(Rib)

4.5 Countersunk Cannulated Headless Compression Screw

4.5 Countersunk Cannulated Headless Compression Screw

3.0 Cannulated Headless Compression Screw

3.0 Cannulated Headless Compression Screw

φ8 washer

φ8 washer

Femoral nail

Femoral nail

Reconstruction LCP(Arc type)

Reconstruction LCP(Arc type)

Distal Medial Tibial LCP(Type I)

Distal Medial Tibial LCP(Type I)

T-Plate 1.5(Head 2)

T-Plate 1.5(Head 2)

Mono-axial Pedicle Screws

Mono-axial Pedicle Screws

Head 7H Distal Radius Plate 2.4

Head 7H Distal Radius Plate 2.4

1.5 Reconstruction LCP

1.5 Reconstruction LCP

Plate 2.4,Reconstruction Straight

Plate 2.4,Reconstruction Straight

2.4 Y-Plate

2.4 Y-Plate

Olecranon Plate

Olecranon Plate

Olecranon Plate(Distal Lateral Humeral)

Olecranon Plate(Distal Lateral Humeral)

CritiSeal Chest Wound Seal

CritiSeal Chest Wound Seal

Allengers Mobile X Ray Machine

Digital Radiography System MobilX DR

Allengers Mobile X Ray Machine

Digital Radiography System RollX DR

Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) system

Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) system

Multi Para Monitor

Multi Para Monitor (MPM)

Allengers Rollscan C Arm machine

C-Arm Image Intensifier Rollscan

Allengers C Arm Machine MEGA PIXEL

C-Arm Image Intensifier MEGA PIXEL

C Arm Machine

C-Arm Image Plus

C Arm Machine Allengers

C-Arm HF49/HF49R

Allengers C Arm Machine

C-Arm Image Intensifier LDHD

Mobile X-Ray System

Mobile X-Ray System (3.5 / 4.2 / 6 KW)

Orbita Plate

Titanium Elastic Nail

Universal Femoral Nail

Proximal Femoral Nail

Proximal Femoral Nail AR

Cortex screws

Ankle Arthrodesis Nail

DHS Plate

Locking Head Screws

LCP Medial Distal Tibia 3.5mm Without Tab