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T-SPOT®.CMV | Oxford Immunotec North America
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The T-SPOT®.CMV test is available in the United States as a Laboratory Developed Test. T cell immunity against CMV is a factor in controlling viral latency and susceptibility to CMV disease. CMV can affect individuals with weaknesses in their T cell response and it is therefore an important and common cause of morbidity and mortality in solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. The T-SPOT.CMV test measures the strength of T cell responses to CMV specific antigens. The T-SPOT.CMV test has the potential to assist clinicians with monitoring anti-viral prophylaxis and evaluating patients at risk from CMV disease. The T-SPOT.CMV test leverages Oxford Immunotec’s proprietary T-SPOT technology platform. The new test will be performed at Oxford Diagnostic Laboratories® in Memphis, TN, where validation was performed. The test results will be available to customers within two days of receipt of a whole blood sample.