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Stent Manufacturing

In 1995 MeKo was the pioneer in stent manufacturing using lasers. Today the company is one of the largest stent contract manufacturers worldwide and well known as a quality leader. Thanks to unique production processes and our know-how we realize even the most challenging projects. MeKo is the contract manufacturer for your next stent-design.

Here at MeKo each stent starts as a tube. Various sizes and materials, such as NiTi, 316L (316LVM), L605, MP35N and Phynox are laser cut. More than 2,000 certified tube lots are available in our stock and guarantee a rapid prototyping.

Bioresorbable stents are manufactured from degradable metals like magnesium (RESOLOY®), iron and zinc and from polymers (like PLLA). We advise our customers in tube selection but also work on customer supplied material.
