Smit Röntgen Antiscatter Grids
Dunlee offers high quality Smit Röntgen anti-scatter grids.
A high degree of expertise is required to design and manufacture superior quality X-ray grids. A degree of expertise which Smit Röntgen, as one of the very few, has mastered since many decades. Our knowledge of grids is unparalleled and our customers rely on us to satisfy their grid requirements. We are the company with the greatest knowledge of anti-scatter solutions for X-ray systems in the entire grids industry.
In mammography we are the global market leader. We supply all major mammography system manufacturers. In the general X-ray market we also have a strong position with high market shares in digital and portable applications. And a stable position in surgery and interventional applications. Our lightweight grids are the optimal choice for any portable flat panel detector. To support any flat panel detector, Smit Röntgen offers to supply with a customized frame or cap to contain the grid. The assembly of the frame or cap includes attachment of the grid, as well as alignment and inspection.