Personal Piercer
Pierce your ears from the comfort of your home with the Studex Personal Ear Piercing Kit with Surgical Stainless Steel ear piercing earrings.
It contains everything you need. It includes one pair of sterilized hypoallergenic earrings, one bottle of ear care antiseptic (7ml) for successful healing and a disposable ear piercer. The Studex ear piercing kit also comes with single-use gloves, cleansing pads, a marking pen, Brave Kid Card, detailed instructions and complete After Care Directions. Designed for peace of mind piercing, the Studex Personal disposable ear piercer is easy to use. Just cleanse, mark and pierce. Your ears are in good hands with Studex!
The Personal Piercer was created for the individual that prefers to have the comfort and privacy of piercing in the own home.