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LOQTEQ® Proximal Humerus Plate 3.5
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LOQTEQ® Proximal Humerus Plate 3.5

The LOQTEQ® system offers a plate with a particularly small head section for the repair of complex fractures of the proximal humerus. This allows the plate to be placed slightly lower and prevents potential impingement on the acromion. Diverging cancellous screws combined with cranially aligned buttress screws offer high primary stability and excellent retention, even in osteoporotic bone.


Small plate head

  • Allows plate position approx. 10mm below the greater tubercle
  • Prevents subacromial impingement


Screw alignment

  • Divergent cancellous screws for improved subchondrial purchase
  • Medial buttress and calcar screws increase mechanical stability


Fixing the tubercle

  • Suture holes in the direction of tension at the plate head for additional fixing of tubercle fragments