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Lab-Aid® 824 Nucleic Acid Extraction System
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Lab-Aid® 824 Nucleic Acid Extraction System

The Lab-Aid 824 Nucleic Acid Extraction System (supporting reagents: Lab-Aid® 824 DNA Extraction Kit) is a high-performance instrument that enable automated, fast, reliable isolation and purification of
high-quality nucleic acids for up to 24 samples per run(the sample size can be 1 to 24 for each run). The whole extraction
process is controlled by the software with rapic prcedure which can free-up your time for more interesting tasks.
The system is intended for in vitro diagnostic use which provides high quality nucleic acid sutable for direct use in
downstream application, such as amplification or other enzymatic reactions.


Stable, repeatable extraction result

Automated operation prevents deviation caused by manual methods

Easy to use and train

Deal with samples with big volume (reach to 2000 μl)

High purity by using 10-tupe strips

Pre-loaded reagent: easy to open and perform the tests

Control the cross contamination effectively
