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external beam teletherapy - GammaBeam™ 100-80

An Economic Solution to Universal Care

At Best Theratronics we design products and solutions that help medical professionals treat cancer.  Our products are used throughout the world to deliver radiation treatments.  We are best known for the GammaBeam Teletherapy treatment systems using Cobalt-60.  We have over 50 years of experience in designing, manufacturing, installing, and servicing Cobalt-60 based external beam systems.  Over that time we have installed more than 1,500 GammaBeams and supply over 80% of the world’s gamma based external beam systems.  Today these machines deliver 45,000 treatments per day.

The GammaBeam™ 100-80 is a new design based on the reliable Theratron Phoenix that offers more functionality, safety and improved user interface.  Its basic design makes it simple to use and easy to maintain while maximizing reliability where service support is limited.  Moreover, the compact control console makes basic functions intuitive, thereby reducing the complexity of operator training while augmenting its patient treatment capacity.

The GammaBeam™ 100-80 truly does provide universal access to cancer care, which is our mission: to succeed in make healthcare affordable and accessible for all.  Best Theratronics and all TeamBest companies are committed to being your Single-Source Oncology Solutions Provider with a wide array of best-in-class products for both your external beam gamma teletherapy and brachytherapy needs.
