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Hemostat  Gelatin  Floseal  Surgiflo  Hemostat Gelatin
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FLOGEL® Flowable Gelatin Haemostatic Matrix Kit Haemostat/Hemostat

FLOGEL® Flowable Gelatin Hemostatic Matrix, is made from absorbable gelatin sponge, into a flowable form as off white (slight yellow) flowable haemostatic matrix prefilled in a syringe. It is used by applying to a bleeding that occurs in tight and irregular spaces especially at a difficult to reach site.

  • Maintain uniform viscosity from beginning to end after mixing with Saline/Thrombin
  • Ready to use in 30 seconds once the sterile saline/Thrombin is uniformly mixed
  • Product after constitution (as directed below) envelops bleeding site to stop bleeding faster
  • It has a proven efficacy, safety, and efficiency, across blood transfusions, major and minor complications and surgical operating time
  • Stays in place during active bleeding even after mixing with saline/Thrombin, so it delivers faster haemostasis where its intended
  • It’s easy to use and can be applied locally at the target site of bleeding

Floseal surgiflo


FLOGEL® Flowable Gelatin Haemostatic Matrix Kit Haemostat/Hemostat

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