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PRIMEDIC | Defibrillatoren für die Notfallmedizin
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DefiMonitor XD

DefiMonitor XD Professional defibrillators for emergency medicine. Reliable: always, everywhere. When every mi­nu­te counts, PRI­ME­DIC de­fi­bril­la­tors can help hearts stop mis­sing ano­ther beat. Ever­yw­he­re. What mat­ters is that they can be used quick­ly. Every time. This is what the DefiMo­ni­tor XD de­li­vers The complex high-performance device with multi-functional features As a ma­nu­fac­tu­rer of in­no­va­ti­ve pro­duct ran­ges for emer­gen­cy me­di­ci­ne, we unite ex­pert ex­pe­ri­ence from hos­pi­tals and emer­gen­cy ser­vices world­wi­de. This amas­sed know-how is then con­sis­tent­ly used to op­ti­mi­se our de­vices. The De­fi­Mo­ni­tor XD com­bi­nes a de­vice de­sign that is com­pact, pro­ved and trusted in prac­tice with the hig­hest pos­si­ble de­gree of safe­ty and sim­ple hand­ling. Qua­li­ty cri­te­ria such as the de­vice's ex­tre­me­ly ro­bust hou­sing with form-in­lets, low weight, com­pre­hen­si­ve soft­ware func­tions and use­ful ac­cess­ories have been im­pres­sing pro­fes­sio­nal users in emer­gen­cy me­di­ci­ne for de­ca­des. Even in ex­tre­me si­tua­ti­ons, tar­ge­ted hand­ling is en­su­red. The De­fi­Mo­ni­tor XD also has spe­cial moun­ting and char­ging sys­tems that can be used to po­si­ti­on the de­vice anyw­he­re to meet in­di­vi­du­al re­qui­re­ments.