Global Medical Directory is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Avenida General Ataliba Leonel, 1790
Carandiru - SP
55 1129 725 700
Exhibited At: 

1186 C - Infant Incubator

Water Bath - Fanem

Water Bath

Pre-delivery, Delivery and Post-delivery Bed - Fanem

Pre-delivery, Delivery and Post-delivery Bed

Diapump® Colibri - DPM 40+ - Fanem

Diapump® Colibri - DPM 40+

Homogenizers - Fanem


Water distiller - Fanem

Water distiller

Centrifuge model 208 and 208R  - Fanem

Centrifuge model 208 and 208R

Ampla 2085 - Infant Warmer and Total Care - Fanem

Ampla 2085 - Infant Warmer and Total Care

Infant Incubator model 1186 A- Fanem

Infant Incubator model 1186 A

Bassinet Panda®

Cap-band - Fanem
